Italian Organza

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By 20 September 2018 957 Views

Even though organza is considered one of the “youngest” fabrics, this material has conquered the modern tissue market for a long time. Like many other materials, organza comes from the East.

Italian organza is one of the most popular and common tissues. You can buy it on our website.

The history of name

The origin of the word "organza" is ambiguous. Thus, there is a version linked to the name of the ancient city in Uzbekistan called Urgench or Urganch in Uzbek. In Europe, the fabric was taken at the end of the 18th century, while a silk factory had been operating in Urgench for a long time. The accent on the last syllable in the city name confirms this version.

There is also another version, which says that the name of this fabric resembles the name of the American firm Lorganza, founded in 1820.

Types of organza

There are several types of Italian organza. These include the following:

  • Chameleon - thanks to the interweaving of multicolored fibers in the base and weft, the fabric is capable of changing color depending on the angle of light incidence.
  • Rainbow - through the smooth transition of strips of colored threads into each other, this kind of organza has a rainbow effect.
  • With spraying - excellent combination of authentic fabric with gold or silver spraying.
  • With the addition of aluminum threads, this type of fiber gives an amazing metallic gleam.
  • Crash - the presented type of organza has a compressed effect.
  • Combined - the material can be simultaneously smooth, stiff, monophonic or variegated. Patterns are printed or etched.

The use of Italian organza

This material is equivalent to festive fabrics. Organza is very beautiful, carrying a sense of magic and a holiday.

Thanks to its small weight, organza is used in the manufacture of curtains. When the sun goes through the organza in the morning, the tents play on the walls with rainbow colors and a variety of patterns. Curtains from this material will create a pleasant atmosphere of uniform glow.

In addition to the curtains, the Italian organza is perfect for sewing canopies. Fabric will create an atmosphere of lightness and airiness. From the organza, you can get beautiful wedding dresses and theatrical props. In addition, the material can be used to decorate rooms for special events, as well as for bouquets and flower arrangements.

Care of products from organza

The best option is to visit a dry-cleaning service. But, considering a series of recommendations, you can take care of organza products yourself. Thus, organza curtains can be washed with their hands after their wetting. This applies to all products of this fabric. Only in this way you should wash products that have embroidery, sequins, beads or any other elements. It is inadmissible to use chlorine-containing detergents.

It is also possible to wash organza products in delicate mode. The most optimal temperature regime will be a range of up to forty degrees. It is recommended not to use a hydroextraction.

After washing, white products may fade. To avoid this, or in case of blinding, it is possible to recover the original appearance with the use of bleaches. You can also soak the products overnight in salted water (at the rate of: two teaspoons of salt for five liters of cold water).

The pressing must not be too strong. The clothes must be dried in a slightly wet condition on the crutches. The clothes must be ironed in a slightly wet condition with a minimum temperature. It is important to iron from the wrong side by laying a thin cloth or paper.

Where can I buy an Italian organza?

Have a look at our website and get acquainted with the wide range of different fabrics. We guarantee the high quality of the product throughout the purchasing process: from the order of the fabric to its delivery in the hands of the customer. We offer an economic pricing policy, making expensive fabrics available to everyone.